Newsletter Questionnaire

Your Information:
Invoice Number (can be found on your emailed receipt)
***Any form submitted and received without an invoice number will be ignored.***

Choose one:

Below add word for word, exactly what you want your newsletter to say. Kristy is not responsible for coming up with text for you. Kristy will Copy and Paste what you put below.


Final Words
Once Kristy has received your completed questionnaire, there is a 3-4 Business day turn around via email. At that point, you can request changes. We allow 1 change of content/images, up to 5 business days after the date/time of delivery.
After hitting the SUBMIT Button below you will be sent over to a Thank you page.
If you are not sent to the Thank you page, then your questionnaire did not go through.
Please check to see if you missed anything above in the questionnaire and then hit SUBMIT again.