Lesson plan subscriptions tailored to different age groups can be highly beneficial to childcare providers. With such subscriptions, providers can access age-appropriate lesson plans and activities that align with the developmental needs and interests of the children in their care.
This can save time and effort in planning and ensure that each child is engaged in activities that are suited to their individual abilities and learning styles. Additionally, well-crafted lesson plans can help providers create a structured and organized learning environment that promotes social, emotional, and cognitive development.
By subscribing to lesson plans designed for specific age groups, childcare providers can provide a more enriching and fulfilling experience for the children in their care.
We have taken on the task of creating lesson plans for you. Our team does this because we understand how daunting the task can be and how demanding your career is already for you.
Our Kids Think Lesson plans provide developmentally-appropriate learning opportunities to encourage children to be confident, successful, life-long learners. The early years are critical to your child’s positive growth and development and they are eager to learn new skills, experience challenging opportunities, and be encouraged for their strengths and talents.
Our learning activities, fun games, and crafts are all formulated to engage a child’s natural curiosity and provide a foundation for success. Our lesson plans include daily instruction and activities targeted toward these essential developmental areas: Physical, Language, Cognitive, Literacy, Math, Science & Discovery, Social Studies, and Arts.
Our lesson plans would benefit your business by allowing you to:
Provide quality care to children at all ages.
Ensure children’s well-being by providing them with opportunities for learning.
Establish standards in your program for developmental progress.
Provide families with critical information about a child's development and growth.
Delegate the task of researching and planning activities to our team.
Save money by obtaining quality lesson plans that you can share with your families.
Invite families to participate in family partnership activities each week.
Our monthly lesson plan themes are $47.00 per month and you can access them from our website. But, WAIT! --If you would like to save tons of money for this next year, we invite you take advantage of the monthly lesson plan subscription for only $27.93 per month for the 2-5 year olds and only $9.99 per month for 6 months-early 2 year olds.
No additional fees!
Your plans will be sent directly to your email on the 20th for the following month so that you have time to plan ahead.
We know that you will love our plans but for any reason that you need to cancel them, you can with no cancellations fees.
We thought we share one more subscription that you may like!
Email Newsletter
This Provider Monthly email is for YOU! Get our email newsletter that will include all sorts of exclusive goodies sent straight to your inbox just one time a month.
We will give you the scoop on what's happening in the world of childcare providers, include mindset coaching, encouraging words, activity and food menu ideas, educational worksheets, strategies on how you can better your childcare program, discounts on our flagship products, and so much more.
We understand before you can do anything great, you have to a have great mindset. This is something that we know to be true and what we are prepared to help you get or remind you of each month.
Our monthly newsletter subscription is only $5.00 per month and goes out on the 20th of every month. You are free to cancel at any time.